Labels: text | machine | screenshot | electronics | electronic device | headphones OCR: Uzboi FIRST OBSERVATIONS THE CANALS OF MARS Mars 5, a Soviet probe launched in 1973, gave us OBSERVATIONS a look at the fascinating region of Mare Erythaeum. There, OF SPACE PROBES researchers at the V.I. Vernadsky Geochemical Institute id entified a 800-kilometer long valley linking the Holden and Hale craters, each of which measures 150 kilometers across. They named this valley Uzboi and claim it is a very ancient river bed. The northern portion of the valley is some 30 kilometers wide, then its course is irregular, shrinking in narrow passes ranging from 5 to 10 kilometers in width that open onto the craters. On the western side of the valley, a tributary called Nirgal Vallis-discovered earlier by Mariner 9-feeds into the Uzboi. The lower portion of the Uzboi is heavily furrowed by gullies, with small valleys several dozen kilometers long and less than a kilometer wide branching off from both sides. Soviet researchers believe the Uzboi is an ancient river network. They think this river may have flowed constantly in the early ages of Mars, but that later it flowed only periodically-because the probe's findings are categorical: There is no liquid water on Mars. There are no seas or lakes on the Martian surface ... nor any irrigation canals as Camille Flammarion and Percival Lowell dreamed. MARS BETA